Subscribers Only #132 The G|O Briefing, March 23, 2023 Atlas Exposes Diversity in UN Geneva Voting Patterns | ICRC in Crisis Mode | America's Declining Influence | A Historic Water Conference
Subscribers Only US Decline in Perspective of a Global Democracy Daniel Warner | It is banal to say that the United States is in decline in economic comparison to China. It is not banal to say that the liberal international order established by the United States and other Western powers after World War II is being challenged by the BRICS.
Biden's Breakthrough in Poland Slavomir Sierakowski | US President Joe Biden’s recent appearances in Kyiv and Warsaw could represent a turning point in the Russia-Ukraine war. The United States and its allies are now leaving no doubt that they will support Ukraine in its pursuit of a complete military victory.
After meeting Mohammed bin Salman, should Joe Biden meet Vladimir Putin? Daniel Warner | Overall peace—as well as increased oil production—overrides the horrendous human rights record of the Saudi leader, according to the Biden team.
#103 The G|O Briefing, June 30, 2022 US Supreme Court’s decision spillover effect on Geneva – Should Biden call Putin?
Is America (finally) back in Geneva? The WTO's 12th ministerial conference (MC12) last week afforded a provisional rescue to the institution, greeted by a global and collective sigh of relief. But the ability of the WTO to pull itself out of paralysis was not the only significant outcome of MC12. Another equally meaningful development
#102 The G|O Briefing, June 23, 2022 Fighting for better working conditions for the UN’s outside workforce - WTO: Yes it can!
#88 The G|O Briefing, March 3, 2022 This is an onsite, slightly edited republication of the complete G|O Briefing newsletter Our thoughts are with the brave people of Ukraine. Today in The Geneva Observer, a few reflections from Geneva on the changing dynamics in the global political and moral landscapes created by Russia’s naked aggression
America’s Afghan Imperative Charles A. Kupchan and Douglas Lutte |The United States may have lost the war in Afghanistan, but it can still salvage the peace.
Can the Taliban be trusted? The UN has doubts Half a year after the fall of Kabul, the human rights situation in Afghanistan remains highly worrisome. Such is, in short, the conclusion of a new report by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Michelle Bachelet, which will be presented to the Human Rights Council during its upcoming