Subscribers Only Killing Fields The war in Ukraine is not the only reason for the jump in agricultural prices. Greed and speculation are another.
Briefing # 118 - Selected document | War and Theft Who controls the agricultural land in Ukraine? "The largest landholders are a mix of oligarchs and a variety of foreign interests including a US-based private equity fund and the sovereign fund of Saudi Arabia."
Extreme polarization has not led to paralysis in Geneva A picture of cautious optimism, not only about the resilience of the multilateral system itself when submitted to a massive and unprecedented shock like Russia’s aggression on Ukraine but also about the conditions under which it can ensure its enduring relevancy.
#121, The G|O Briefing, December 8, 2022 The resilience of multilateralism | Lula's government is taking shape–and it's good news for Geneva | We need to rethink how to produce food
The birth of a new international order Joschka Fischer | As the remnants of the twentieth century’s bipolar order finally disappear, a new global pentarchy is coming to the fore.
#120 The G|O Briefing, December 1, 2022 The ICRC's "silent failure" on Ukraine — Geneva's role in demining efforts — A new US-Chinese bipolar world? Maybe not! — A response from the UN
Protecting civilians against mines and other explosive ordnance in Ukraine: Geneva’s role Stefano Toscano | The recent liberation of Kherson came as a stark reminder of the danger posed by landmines, cluster munitions, and other explosive ordnance (EO) littered across Ukraine.
The Silent Failure of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine Daniel Warner | Why has the ICRC not been more vocal about grave human rights and international humanitarian law violations in Ukraine?
Relocating part of International Geneva to Ukraine: A breakthrough idea Theodor H. Winkler GUEST ESSAY What if part of the aptly named Maison de la Paix in the heart of International Geneva were to relocate to war-torn Ukraine? It hosts three Swiss-funded centres of international reputation: the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, and