Exclusive: Showdown between Workers and Employers at the ILO: Workers and 36 Member States are asking the Governing Body to call upon the International Court of Justice to rule on the right to strike; Employers are accusing the ILO of partiality Is the “right to strike” a fundamental labour right or not? Long-simmering and acrimonious discord on this question is boiling over at the International Labour Organization (ILO). The G|O can reveal that with the support of 36 Governments, a request by the Organization’s Workers’ Group to call upon
#142 THE G|O BRIEFING, JUNE 15, 2023 Acrimonious disputes over LGBTQ rights rock the ILC—and are here to stay | China resumes construction of the future, literally, figuratively, and with Geneva on the map | Switzerland celebrates a successful first-ever Security Council presidency
Subscribers Only Profound cultural differences over LGBTQ protections rocked the ILO’s budget discussions, but they’re here to stay—and will probably intensify
Subscribers Only Between Qatar and the ILO, the limits of constructive engagement are being severely tested
Subscribers Only Pressure mounts around Qatar's expected presidency of International Labour Conference
#140 THE G|O Briefing, June 1, 2023 Pressure mounts around Qatar's expected presidency of International Labour Conference | WHO refocuses efforts | Slovenia and Belarus face showdown at the UNSC | What Western decline?
Subscribers Only #138 The G|O Briefing, May 18, 2023 Habemus Pope | Qatar's presidency of the Annual Labour Conference provokes consternation | For its 75th anniversary, a financially sustainable WHO | Delivering on nuclear disarmament in Hiroshima
The UN International Law Commission fiddles as the Earth burns Dr. Bertrand Ramcharan | Faced with pressing challenges to the survival of the Earth and its inhabitants, it is now necessary to bring into our reasoning the concept of ‘instant jus cogens.’