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Green Geopolitics Is Turning Red at the WTO
Accusing the EU of being deaf to their grievances, several emerging countries have decided to escalate their fight against the EU’s new Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products.
The new normal: Humanitarian crisis and food production
In less than 30 years’ time, there will be 10 billion people to feed—an impossible challenge if significant attempts are not made to reverse current trends.
#121, The G|O Briefing, December 8, 2022
The resilience of multilateralism | Lula's government is taking shape–and it's good news for Geneva | We need to rethink how to produce food
#118 The G|O Briefing, November 17, 2022
Exclusive: Ukraine Grain Association President talks to The G|O | Bali not so far from Geneva | Watch The G|O on local station Léman Bleu!
President of Ukrainian Grain Association confident of increased grain export
"I believe that they will find a solution, and the grain corridor will be extended. I hope we will even add an additional port."
Is America (finally) back in Geneva?
The WTO's 12th ministerial conference (MC12) last week afforded a provisional rescue to the institution, greeted by a global and collective sigh of relief. But the ability of the WTO to pull itself out of paralysis was not the only significant outcome of MC12. Another equally meaningful development
#102 The G|O Briefing, June 23, 2022
Fighting for better working conditions for the UN’s outside workforce - WTO: Yes it can!
Will the WTO be able to protect the poorest from a looming global food crisis?
The agricultural debate will take center stage at the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) June Ministerial conference (MC12), and its dynamics will be shaped, in form but above all in substance, by the war in Ukraine.
Since the WTO operates by consensus, few trade experts and WTO watchers here expect
#97 The G|O Briefing, May 12, 2022
New accusations about Geneva's bogus 'universities' - Can the WTO help avert a catastrophic global food crisis?