L'Association pour le Geneva Observer (AGO) is a non-profit association registered under Swiss law. Its office is at at Rue Micheli-du-Crest 1, CH- 1205 - Genève.

It publishes The Geneva Observer.

The AGO's goals are:

  • Participate in and support the development of the Geneva Observer, a digital information platform project on International Geneva
  • To conduct fundraising campaigns to ensure The G|O's continuous development
  • To actively participate in the public debate in promoting and defending independent, fact-based, reliable local quality journalism with a global reach that contributes to the proper functioning of democratic institutions


  • Philippe Mottaz - Robin Adet - Alexandre Munafò - Joelle Fiis - Angus Wallace - Stephan Davidshofer - Iavor Tzolov


  • Robin Adet, President
  • Françoise Monachon, Treasurer
  • Mercé Monjé-Cano
  • Johann Aeschlimann