A new website for the G|O
We can’t tell you how excited we are about our completely revamped website! We had two goals in mind with our site design: showcase The G|O’s work, and make it blazingly fast and easy to search. If you don’t see the new banner when you click through to check it out, then you may want to clear your browser’s cache.

One major editorial change is that rather than posting the Thursday night G|O Briefing in its entirety, the articles are now individually published on the site, making them much easier to share. You can still find the full Briefings posted in chronological order, including our complete archives dating back to our first trial Briefing in 2019. With 126 Briefings and counting, that’s a wealth of information for you to explore. Journalists truly write the first draft of history, as our chronicle of International Geneva over the last three years tellingly illustrates.
You will also notice that there are multiple entry points to our stories on the new homepage—which, when reading a story, you can always revert to by clicking on our logo on the site banner. The search box is on the right.
In the footer, we strongly urge you to read our Privacy Policy. Regular readers of The G|O know how strongly we feel about privacy (more below in the Briefing). Run our site through Blacklight to see how and why we use cookies.
Scroll down the homepage and you will see we have added a library under “Resources”. All documents mentioned in our newsletter—and other items of interest—will be accessible there. Our “Interviews” are also grouped there in a dedicated section. Both spaces are still a work in progress, with archive pieces to be added.
Another welcome addition is a comment function at the bottom of each post—provided you have signed up when visiting the site. Signing up will also ensure you automatically receive The G|O Briefing when it goes out every Thursday night. We are currently switching email platforms, but the switch should be seamless and you should continue to receive our emails without any intervention on your part. However, please check your spam folder if you don’t see our newsletter on Thursday evenings.
We hope you enjoy our new site. Visit it often, comment on our stories, and spread the word about The Geneva Observer. As always, your feedback is appreciated, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us at talktothego@thegenevaobserver.com.